Category Archives: Medical News

Help is on the way!

“Holy expanding waistline Batman, America just keeps getting fatter”. Now if you’re a fan of the infamous Caped Crusader and read this morning’s newspaper, this is definitely something Robin would say. Because in today’s Los Angeles Times, a new report on our nation’s weight crisis – as prepared by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America Health – says “16 states are experiencing steep increases in adult obesity, and none has seen a downturn in the last four years”. So what’s up with that? With an obese population of 19.8%, Colorado is the ONLY state with an adult obesity rate below 20%. Furthermore, “adult obesity rates have doubled or nearly doubled in 17 states. Two decades ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 15%. Now all states do.” But no worries folks…help is on the way! Soon my team will embark upon my FAT BURN AMERICA TOUR, visiting every state in America, 100 cities in 100 days, filming my fat burning workouts to promote daily fitness & yoga, and to raise much needed funds for my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation. As you know, we teach yoga to women and children living in domestic violence shelters. And since the report also states that “obesity remains a condition disproportionately affecting those with poor education and income, and closely tied to minority status”, it’s all the more reason to bring my FREE Fat Burning Workouts to the public. Our goal: to EDUCATE, EMPOWER, INSPIRE and ENTERTAIN. So get ready and get set with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #94 – Leg Stretches. Enjoy and we’ll see you soon! – R

Invest in yourself

For the past 75 days, I’ve been posting videos and blogging about the benefits of a daily fitness program.  These short and effective workouts are meant to put a fat burning spark in your day, as well as inspire and empower you to embrace a daily fitness program. Because doing something fitness-related everyday is the epitome of a personal investment. Why? Because time is money, and when you allocate time to a daily fitness program, you invest in yourself.  That’s right.  You invest in your physical and mental well-being, preserving the most important asset in your life – you!  So enjoy investing in yourself with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #75 – Chest & Shoulders II.   – R

Resist the temptation

You may have heard the ancient proverb, ‘good habits result from resisting temptation’.  I would go one step further and say that good habits result from resisting temptation and embracing change.  Because good habits are derived by doing things that are considered good for you, versus bad habits that are usually derived from the not-so-good things that constantly tempt us – like unhealthy food groups and the aversion to exercise.  So if you haven’t already, get with a new habit in the form of a daily fitness program.  And resist the temptation NOT to workout because who doesn’t have 5 minutes a day to respect themselves?  Enjoy opening your hips and hamstrings with fat burning workout #26 – R

Try it on your phone

I had dinner with a friend last night who said she wanted to do my 5 minute fat burning workouts but couldn’t use her work computer and her laptop was down.  Then I said, why not do them on your phone.  Watch it first, then set your phone aside and follow along with my voice.  Today she called to say it worked great.  So there you go.  If you’re not currently on a daily fitness program, start small with only 5 minutes a day.  Believe me, these simple workouts will challenge you.  Just log on to my butt, thighs and heart opener Workout #23 – 5 minutes of fat burning you can truly do anytime and anyplace.   Now playing on, Vimeo and YouTube.   Happy Friday!  R

Pain relief

What do you do when there’s pain in the body that affects your daily activities?  You can address the pain with rest and/or with controlled stretching exercises. Depending on the specific injury and severity of your pain and injury – it’s best to consult your Doctor on that – I would recommend both.  As for sciatica relief (from leg pain due to compression of the sciatic nerve) here are some simple stretching exercises that can help.  Always remember to breathe slowly and deeply and send your positive energy to the area of discomfort.  And smile!  Enjoy your 5 minute fat burning workout #20 – R

Tip of the Iceberg

For anyone just getting started with a daily fitness or weight loss program, consider my 5 minute fat burning workouts as the tip of the iceberg.  Designed to be simple, quick and effective, each workout is like the spark that ignites a more complete fitness regimen that includes anything cardiovascular, weight lifting or yoga.  Better yet, combine several 5 minute workouts and create your own customized program that fits your busy schedule and targets your body parts that require the most fat burning.  And always remember to include at least one workout to strengthen your core & abs!  Enjoy – R


Enjoy the simple things

What if you couldn’t tie your shoelaces or put your daughter’s hair in a braid?  This past weekend a 26 year old woman was given a hand transplant during a successful 14 hour operation at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center – the first such transplant in the state of California.  To be whole again.  And to enjoy the simple things like braiding her daughter’s hair were the young woman’s wishes.  Good news followed the operation – she’s already moving her fingers as the donor’s hand “matched beyond expectation”. Although a hand transplant comes with lifelong risks, lead surgeon Dr. Azari said, “The reasonable expectation is she will get sensation back and she will use her hand.  So far it looks spot on”.  Let’s radiate positive energy for our young woman, and let’s all enjoy the simple things in life.  Including our daily 5 minute fat burning workout.  Here’s #13.  R

Help with Sciatica

Lesson #30 - Zoo Yoga

I spoke with my brother yesterday who said he could use some help with his sciatica.  Sciatica occurs when there is pressure or damage to the sciatic nerve. This nerve starts in the spine and runs down the back of each leg. It controls the muscles of the back of the knee and lower leg and provides sensation to the back of the thigh, part of the lower leg, and the sole of the foot. Sciatica pain can vary widely. It may feel like a mild tingling, dull ache, or a burning sensation. In some cases, the pain is severe enough to make a person unable to move.  So what can one do to help?  A simple, yet rather uncomfortable yoga asana called Lizard Pose.  I cover Lizard in Lesson #30 of my Yoga Survival Guide, aptly named Zoo Yoga.  So if you could use a little relief, as I encouraged my brother to do, spend 4 minutes a day in Lizard (2 per side), then roll over on your back and come into Happy Baby for another minute – which is also covered in the same lesson.  Remember to slow your breath and try not to wiggle around in the pose, however uncomfortable it may be.  And enjoy your time at the LA Zoo!