Category Archives: Healthy Lifestyle

Stay Zen #7 – 20 Ways to Be 20 Years Younger

Who says you can’t look and feel and have the spirit of someone 20 years younger. I do, and there’s not a week that goes by without someone guessing I’m 30.

You can too, with my 20 Ways to Be 20 Years Younger! Enjoy – R

Get Fit. Live Healthy. Lose Inches. Stay Zen. Follow on Instagram @BLVDZEN

Stick to Your Guns

Whenever I hear the expression “stick to your guns”, I think of Tom Cruise (aka Maverick) in the 1986 blockbuster, Top Gun, when he’s in the heat of battle with six hostile MiGs and triumphantly declares, “I will not leave my wingman”.  Now that’s someone with true conviction who literally sticks to his guns, and one who sets a great example for anyone with little or no resolve to even make it through Lent without abandoning their abstinence.

Case in point:

I recently had dinner with two friends, a man and woman about my age (i.e., 50), who have each gained 20+ pounds in the past year. And both said exactly the same thing – that they “gave up sugar for Lent” and were determined to shed their unwanted weight. But when it came time for dessert, they both changed their tune and ordered the most sugar-filled items on the menu – Tiramisu in an edible chocolate cup and a slice of Red Velvet cake.  So when I chuckled and asked, “Aren’t you going to stick to your guns and not eat sugar for the next 40 days”, they simply brushed me off and said it was no big deal since it was only this one time.

So much for having the courage and discipline to stick to their guns, especially when it comes to their health and well-being. Something I just can’t get my arms around (no pun intended).

Think about it. Setting your intentions and following through with your game plan, i.e., doing what you say, is not only good for your psyche and your self-confidence, but also helps everyone else around you because you’re leading by example. And if you don’t believe you can do it…NONSENSE. Just set your intentions and muster the fortitude to stick to your guns.

YOU CAN DO IT…just like I’ve been doing in Hollywood for the past 7 years. Peace – R

Rich Tola at LA Fashion Week

Rich Tola at Los Angeles Fashion Week (March 10, 2014)

Stay Zen #5 – Who’s afraid of the big bad scale?

Do you hate weighing yourself on any scale? Do you avoid them like the plague? No worries, because nobody should be afraid of the big bad scale…just make it your new best friend!

Get Fit. Live Healthy. Lose Inches. Stay Zen. Follow on Instagram @BLVDZEN

Stay Zen #4 – 10 Ways to Workout with a Stool

Still wondering if you should give away that little stool you have stashed in the closet?

Don’t be a stooly…workout with it!

Check out the latest episode of Stay Zen, 10 Ways to Workout with a Stool, where you can Get Fit, Live Healthy, Lose Inches and Stay Zen. Enjoy – R

Stay Zen #1 – Intro

Hope you enjoy my new web series that’s all about Health & Fitness, Dating & Relationships, and everything else From Wall Street to Main Street.  Stay Zen – R

3 Tips to Improve Your Posture

It’s that time of year again, when the air is brisk and your Perfect Posture begins to wane in the face of Wintertime weather. I call that your Wintertime Posture, when your body naturally compensates for the cold with a defensive-type posture that seeks warmth by covering up and closing in. As opposed to your Summertime Posture, when the warm rays of the vitalizing sunshine make it easy to stand tall and lift your chin while opening your heart up to the sky, thus enabling a more offensive-type posture, and albeit, a much better one.

In the Wintertime we have a tendency to roll our shoulders in and lean forward, especially when we’re walking. It seems to protect us against the cold and get us there faster, or so we think. And because we don’t even know we’re doing it – who’s thinking about Perfect Posture when you’re walking or standing in the freezing cold – and because excellent health begins with excellent posture, that’s no excuse for letting good ol’ Mother Nature set you back.

Regardless of the changing seasons, arm yourself with my 3 Tips to Improve Your Posture:

1) Spend a few minutes every morning standing tall with Perfect Posture, i.e., feet planted firmly on the ground – shoulder width and hips distance apart, soften your knees and relax your butt, pull through your core (belly button) and feel your entire torso and spine elongating, roll your shoulders open with palms facing forward, shine your heart up to the sky, relax your shoulder-blades down your back and lengthen through your neck, soften and square your chin to the ground and reach your crown to the sky. Now relax your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply and let your inhales and exhales come naturally. Don’t hold your breath…and RELAX.

2) Repeat this Perfect Posture exercise many times throughout the day, for a brief as 10 seconds. Just do it. Like when you’re standing in line at the store, or on the corner before the light changes, or at the teller window, or waiting for a bus, or baking cookies, or even while you’re Watching the Ellen Show! It’s only for a short time and it reminds the body – and your mind – of Perfect Posture, thus creating a benchmark for success.

3) Spend a few minutes before you go to bed standing tall with Perfect Posture…you know the drill. Why, you might ask, considering if you did #1 and #2 then you already spent time working on your Perfect Posture, right? Because, you’d get the same exact answer if you asked any New Yorker that infamous question, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” Practice, Practice, Practice.

Happy Veterans Day everyone! Enjoy- R

How to Live with the Aches & Pains

So you’re getting older and your body’s experiencing aches and pains that you never had before, constantly reminding you that youth is fleeting. And to add insult to injury (no pun intended), you can’t even stand-up straight in the morning when you first step out of bed.

Welcome to the club.

Because when it comes to having “issues” with your body parts, I’m the King of Pain. That’s right, I may preach about the benefits of Fitness & Yoga and looking 20 years younger, but I need two hands to count the problem areas in my body: neck, back, shoulder, wrist, forearm, knee, and even my big toe. But do they stop me from walking 1.5 miles to gym every morning (and back), or exercising every single day regardless of my aches and pains. No chance.

Rich Tola - Author, Actor & Yoga Master

Rich Tola – Author, Actor & Yoga Master

Because embracing a Daily Fitness Program is what keeps the body from deteriorating even more by firing up your endorphins and inhibiting the perception of painful stimuli. That’s right, and I’ve never taken a PED (performing enhancing drug) or any type of steroid in my entire life. All that’s necessary is physical exercise that enables the body to produce these amino acids that reduce the sensation of pain. Not to mention the sense of accomplishment you get when you’ve finished a workout or Yoga class (I certainly do). That’s why I recommend exercising first thing in the morning, even for a measly 15 minutes, especially if you’re like me and feel the most achy after a full slumber.

And whatever you do, never internalize these aches and pains by complaining about them or feeling sorry for yourself because that only makes them worse. Just put on that suit of armor everyday and power through them – like a Peaceful Warrior – and know that you’re doing everything you can to thwart Father Time and achieve my foolproof mantra…a Strong Body-Clear Mind. And if that doesn’t work, get your inspiration from someone else in the world who has the courage to power through life and smile in the face of adversity. Just like the paraplegic gal did in my fondest and most enlightening Yoga teaching experience when “She took the entire class with perfect posture and a smile so big it could light up Fifth Avenue” (listen below).

Enjoy – R

Inner Beauty Rules

With all my rhetoric about exercising every day with a Daily Fitness Program that’s based on Yoga principles, and respecting yourself with a healthy lifestyle while thinking and feeling positive at all times, and even my most recent posts about looking 20 years younger and being named one of LA’s Sexiest, it’s easy to lose sight of the true meaning of my guileless discourse.

Which is simply this: INNER BEAUTY RULES

No matter how much you weigh, or how young you look, or how often you workout, what matters most is the inner beauty and positive energy that you radiate from the inside. Because in due time that outer beauty will fade and the body will deteriorate. There’s no stopping it. Yes, you can do your best to thwart Father Time by keeping your physical being in the best condition possible – which I believe is achieved by exercising every single day while adhering to a healthy and rather paltry diet – in the end we’re all ‘dust in the wind’.

Rich Tola - Author, Actor & Yoga Master

Rich Tola – Author, Actor & Yoga Master

Sad but true, I know. That’s why when I say Yoga changed my life, I’m referring to the evolution of my soul and illumination of my inner beauty…not the physical body. Everyone knows by now that I’m a fitness nut who’s been working out every single day for the past 35 years, so it’s not just Yoga classes that keep me slim and fit (I’ve only been a practicing for the past 8 years). It’s the overall approach to living and Union with the Divine (or Samadhi) including universal morality, open-heartedness, truthfulness, nonviolence to all things, non-greed, dedication and contentment, faith and focus, breathing and posture, control of the senses, and concentration on one’s purpose in life.

So it’s not just the physical practice of Yoga – the asanas – that keep you young and help you shine your light out into the universe. It’s the constant flourishing of your inner beauty that rules. Above all else, remember what matters most.

Enjoy – R

Daily Fitness & Yoga Pays Off

Everyone knows that by exercising every single day while embracing a Yogic lifestyle – for the rest of your life – you’ll certainly reap the benefits, right? Well if you didn’t, let me assure you that sticking to a Daily Fitness Program that’s based on Yoga principles will definitely pay-off.

Rich Tola - LA Magazine's One of LA's top 3 Most Sexy Men

Rich Tola – L.A. Magazine’s “One of LA’s Top 3 Sexiest”

Case in point: Yesterday Los Angeles Magazine named me One of LA’s Top 3 Most Sexy Men…at the ripe age of 50! Not too bad, considering the others were 20 years younger.

So what does it take to look and feel 20 years younger? Just follow my 5 Simple Rules for Looking 20 Years Younger and you’ll be set. Or at least you’ll be on the right path to achieving the physical and spiritual beauty and sexiness we all desire, with no regrets for putting on those useless pounds…especially as we approach the hectic Holiday season.

Now don’t get me wrong. Not everyone is blessed with good genes and a penchant for feeling hungry all the time, like I am. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Anyone can! It only takes the desire and discipline to respect yourself everyday and to put your body – and your soul – to the challenge. Start with believing you can, then get rocking with bite-sized workouts like my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts on YouTube (click HERE for my favorite Abdominals!). They’ll get on the right path to a stronger core and flatter Abs in no time, then take it from there. Just get started today. YOU CAN DO IT!

And then move to Los Angeles and maybe next year you too will be named L.A. Magazine’s Sexiest Man or Woman…hey, ya neva know!

Enjoy – R

5 Simple Rules for Looking 20 Years Younger

When most people reach the age of 50, they really look it.

Not me. Because I follow these 5 Simple Rules for Looking 20 Years Younger:

1) Exercise Every Single Day – embrace a Daily Fitness Program that’s based on Yoga and don’t bullshit yourself with talk like “I used to” do such-and-such because nothing matters but the PRESENT…and remember to maintain good posture and breathing in everything you do!
2) Ditch the Baggage – get rid of whatever emotional or mental baggage you’re carrying with you…because STRESS makes you look old!
3) Keep it Simple – don’t clutter your life with useless possessions you really don’t need…they just consume your space, time and money!
4) No Drama – never dwell on the past and always think positive and happy thoughts…and stay away from Drama-Queens that’ll just drag you down!
5) Stay Hungry – always challenge yourself, both mentally and spiritually in the pursuit of knowledge and experience, as well as physically by eating small and frequent quality meals and never OVER-EATING…keeping your mind, body and soul hungry for more!

Don’t believe you can look and feel 20 years younger? Nonsense. If I can do it, ANYBODY can!

Enjoy – R

Rich Tola (Age 50), Author - Simply Between Millions : From Wall Street to Hollywood (photograph by James Andrew)

Rich Tola (Age 50), Author – Simply Between Millions : From Wall Street to Hollywood (photograph by James Andrew)