Tag Archives: leg

Healthy Diet + Daily Exercise = Success

We all know the meaning of a healthy diet, right?   And we all know what it means to exercise daily – or at least if you’ve been following along the past 33 days you know you can exercise for as little as 5 minutes a day.  So why is it so hard to combine the two to achieve a successful result?  Well, although the definition of success may be different for each of us, the certainty in the above referenced equation is the plus and the equals part.  If you eat healthy and workout everyday you will certainly achieve success as it relates to preserving your body for the long term.  And hopefully you’re not fooling yourself when it comes to a healthy diet and daily exercise – because there is no substitute.  So watch your diet, do something physical fitness everyday, and keep with your positive thoughts and feelings!  Enjoy shaping your legs and biceps with today’s 5 minute fat burning workout #33.  And I’ll see you next time – R

30 workouts in 30 days

Today marks day 30 and workout #30 of my 5 minute fat burning web series.  For those following along, you now have 30 different short workouts to choose from – covering all body parts and muscles from your fingers to your toes (check out Workout #19 for women who wear high heels a lot).  No worries if you have not – so long as you’ve been keeping up with a daily fitness routine that includes anything cardiovascular and/or fat burning.  For the newcomers out there, the main objective of this web series is to provide you will a super quick and painless alternative to the gym or yoga studio. However brief my 5 minute workouts may be, don’t let that fool you.  They’re certainly challenging, effective and attainable for anyone of any size, weight, age or gender.  Just like my 5 minutes of yoga anywhere in my Yoga Survival Guide, and my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy sculpting your butt & legs with moving squats in Workout #30.  As always, keep it going and I’ll see you next time!  – R